Senior Living Center
If you are sixty years of age or older and young at heart, the Living Center is for you! Established in 1983, the center began with a small room located in the Recreation Center. In 1988 the seniors moved into a new building, the Frank G. Little Senior Center, named in memory of Frank G. Little who served as a long time City Clerk of Muscle Shoals for 22 years. 

Tribute to 9-11
The center offers weekly fellowship and activities for senior adults. Seniors
may participate in games of Hand & Foot, Bingo, Rook, skip-bo, dominoes, checkers, or a friendly game of pool. For those who prefer to participate in non-competitive activities, the center offers ceramics, a reading area, and art classes. An exercise program is offered for those who desire a type of physical activity. Educational programs on topics such as nutrition, depression, stress, and safety are often scheduled at the center.
The center also serves lunch daily for a nominal donation. For those senior adults who may qualify for the service, the center offers a home-bound lunch program. This program allows those who are unable to visit the center to receive a well-balanced meal in their home.

Mayor David Bradford along with our Veterans
The center offers a covered dish dinner each month. Members participate by contributing their favorite dish or dessert to the dinner, and enjoying an evening of fellowship with friends of the center.
The senior adults of the center host the "Bean Supper", a semi-annual social-fund raiser event, held in the Spring and Fall of each year. The seniors have become well known for this popular event in the community. The supper includes beans, slaw, cornbread, desserts, and beverages, all prepared and served by the members of the center.

Senior Outing to 'The Old Cookstove' Amish restaurant in Danville, AL
Another favorite event among the senior adults is the Masters Games of Alabama. These games are hosted in various parts of the state in October of each year. Seniors have an opportunity to exhibit their skills and talents in many games of competition that include:

State Masters Games Winners:(Left to Right) Earlene Satterwhite, David Nichols, Jack Baldwin, Robert Morris, Eukie Winborn, Joyce Todd, Betty Quillin, Bill Kratz, Ollie Michaels, Jerri O'Dell
The center provides a shuttle service for those who may need transportation to and from the center. Should you need transportation services, you may contact Janet Nichols, Living Center Manager and make arrangements.
The Muscle Shoals Living Center also offers an Outreach Program to the senior adults of our city. The Outreach Program was created to assist senior adults with various needs, enabling them to remain independent for as long as possible. There are many services and information available through this program such as:
- Social Security
- Medicare and Medicaid
- Insurance and Retirement
- Hospital Indebtedness
- Hospice Services
- Home Health Services

- Free Medication - SenioRx Program
- Chore Program (Lawn Maintenance)
- Sole Social Security Solid Waste Collection Fee Exemption
-Must provide proof of income upon application for service
-Applications are available for this service October 1 through December 31 for each year
-Qualifications: Approved incomes are Social Security, SSI, Veterans Benefits or you may have all incomes
-Restrictions: No interest bearing accounts such as savings account, certificates of deposit, checking accounts - Garbage Discount of $1.00
-To qualify for discount you must be 65 or older and provide proof of identification
Linda Troutt, Outreach Coordinator, assists with programs designed to assist elderly persons. Because many senior adults are physically unable to visit the center, Linda visits in the home of the individual to assist in evaluating their needs. If you need the services of the Outreach Program, you may contact Linda Troutt, Outreach Coordinator.
Janet Nichols, Living Center Mgr.
Muscle Shoals Living Center
994 Gattman Park Drive
Muscle Shoals, AL 35661
P.O. Box 2624
Muscle Shoals, AL 35662
Living Center Hours:
Monday - Friday
8:00a.m. - 2:00p.m.
Outreach Program Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
8:00a.m. - 3:00p.m.